@Moch1_chu's profile

@SushiCatFluffy on pinterest

My Profile⯎⯌

just call me Moch1_chu or mochi! like Bungou Stray Dogs, Tokyo Ghoul, Death Note and precure! she/her, INTP 5w4, DNI if proshipper, racist or xenophobe!

(≧▽≦) yesyesyes!!
silly characters
┐(´ー`)┌ ermmm....
anti-religion ppl
anime haters!

?? | ??| @ Moch1 _chu/apple _juice-

lovelovelove !!
Topics I like!!
♡ vocaloid
♡ memes
♡ mangakas
♡ sillyness

@sushicatfluffy on pinterest

@Moch1_chu's profile

@SushiCatFluffy on pinterest

don't follow me if you think autism isn't real or something, if you're an anime hater, if you're a fujoshi or fundashi, a p3d0phile and/or if you're ageist!

O_o I'm a minor, I'm autistic, I'm quite weird, my behaviour can be rather questionable at times and I'm quite unfunny